2017: Disa × Bravo

On July 16, 2017, our first litter arrived! All of these puppies now have their forever-homes, and we couldn’t be happier with their new families.

Finding a sire to pair with our first Basenji, Disa, took a while, but with the help of Michael Work, a long-time principal in the breed, we finally found one in CH Sonbar’s Celestial Wizard (a.k.a. “Bravo”): a dog who no longer lived, but who had been collected some 25-odd years previously. Using semen of that age meant a lot of advance testing to help ensure that everything was as ideal as possible for the artificial insemination’s success. Not only was it successful, but each and every one of the puppies has been wonderfully healthy.

Mr. Blue — Dresden

CH Ture & Taji’s Sirius Piece Of Work

First-born Dresden was the fantastic older-by-minutes-brother to the rest of the litter. He stayed with us longer than any other puppy (except for Gable) until he headed out east for conformation fame.

Mr. Red — Banjo

Taji And Ture’s Strings Of Fire

Banjo, the second born, was the high-jumper of the litter. He was the motivating factor in all four of our puppy-pen upgrades, needing climb-proofing and jump-proofing well before any of his siblings.

Miss Yellow — Delilah

Ture And Taji Dance With Delilah

The middle child, and only girl, Miss Delilah very clearly grew up with four brothers, learning to give as good as she got.

Mr. White — Gable

CH Taji & Ture’s G.Wiz R U Sirius? SC CA BCAT TKI ITD-M

Our initial “keeper” out of Disa’s first litter, Gable is a spunky little monkey. Having been raised from birth using the “Puppy Culture” protocol, he believes that the world is a fun place, where new experiences can be incredibly rewarding… which means he’s willing to try doing just about anything! (If we could get a Basenji to swim voluntarily, it would most likely be Gable.)

Gable is now the “brother from another mother” for the lovely Odette, and aiming to become a Hollywood star.

Mr. Green — Cowboy

Taji’s Midnight Cowboy Rides With Ture

Last but certainly not least, Cowboy loved to play with all of his brothers and his sister.